We are not an online dating service, we help men go to Ukraine to meet and date real women in a real setting.
90 percent of the photos you see on this site are real girls and or women, from Ukraine. Women Photos Girls Photos
We developed this tour for the man that wants that special treatment to date Ukrainian women in Ukraine.
What you will receive with our service. All tours will be from one to five men no more. We have found that it is better to be in a small group. You will get a real personalized tour. The director of the company from Las Vegas Nv. has over eight years of dating experience in Ukraine. He has helped many men find that one woman. In doing so he has earned the title (The Ukraine Hitch) With his help you will be shown the correct way to approach and date a woman. We will bring you to the best places in the city to meet women parks, cafes and some places that we have found to be the best to meet women! There are many cultural differences and dating customs in Ukraine. We will help you so you do not make the mistakes many Western men make.
What is included in your Date tour!
We will meet you at the Kyiv Borispol Airport, provide you with round trip transfers from and to the airport.
You will stay in a modern apartment in the city center. Very safe very clean.
Interpreters will be available for the first 5 hours included after the 5 hours it will be $10 per hour or $80 per day.
There will be no limit to how many women you could meet and or date!
We will be available to you personally during normal business hours.
Will also be available 24 hours a day through phone Viber or internet.
Check prices and date of tours here click
When you do meet the woman you want to have a relationship with we will coach you every step of the way.
When you decide to return to Ukraine to meet with your companion, if you need our help it will be at a deep discount of our regular costs. Our company is to bring people together in a real-life setting. There is no prearranged online meeting. We do not have a database of women’s photoshopped pictures with untrue profiles. We will definitely not have some elaborate meet and great in a nightclub-like setting.