Marry A Ukrainian Woman
I have been traveling to Ukraine for over eight years now. Why have I not married a Ukrainian woman yet? Do the Ukraine women make good wives? Should you marry a sexy girl? Are these girls loyal? 
So many men ask me these questions, why don’t I have a Ukrainian wife? The answer is a little complicated. I was engaged two times with women from there, it just wasn’t right for me at the time. I look back and wonder where would I be right now if I would have married one of the first women I met in Donetsk. Sweet Dasha was what I called her, so cute very sexy girl. On my second trip back to Ukraine I was planning to see my two friends Dasha and Marina.
I was sidetracked by a beautiful woman in Lugansk Nastia who I met online. She had black hair and a sexy body, her hobby was singing so she told me.
The day I arrived to meet Nastia I was very surprised. She did not have a sexy body anymore she was heavy, to say the least. We were together for four days, but it did not work out between us. She is what you call a bitch, yes she was the most demanding woman I have ever met in Ukraine. I wish I had a personal date guide back then to help me figure things out. I was alone in Lugansk for two days then I met Nelia. What a beautiful woman she was, smart, sexy, with a great sense of humor.

Nelia and I dated for several months, we talked about getting married. She wanted to go to stylest school, she needed $2400 to do this. Now it is not a lot of money, but then it was all that I had.
I wanted to help her I just could not give her the last of my money. It was a little problem for us to overcome. We did, after some weeks of talking about it, I was at fault. I remember I told her if she needed anything ask and I would help her. When I explained I did not have that much money, she was better about it. Many people in Ukraine assume all Americans are rich. Do not ever talk to a woman about how much money you have if you do not have it. Once you get caught in a lie they will remember it for many years.
What broke us up was not misunderstandings it was Russia, when they invaded Eastern Ukraine. Nelia lived right in the path of both armies, she would call me tell me she hears rockets launching all night.
I would write her call her as much as I could, but the stress of the war broke us apart. I could not help her she lived with her mom, her mom did not want to leave her home. Nelia could not leave her mother all alone in a war. Her response to my letters was becoming less and less, one day they stopped. I thought the worse had happened to her. One day she wrote me on facebook told me she was OK but did not want to continue seeing me. It was over between Nelia and me.
The next woman I was engaged to was Kristina from a small town north of Kiev. I was on my way to see my friends Irina and Andrew in Vinnitsa.

A week before I was to go to Ukraine I broke a tooth, not too painful. I did look like a hockey player missing a front tooth. Good for me Ira’s, brother is a dentist he lives a little north of Kiev. As soon as I arrived in Kiev Ira took me to her brother’s clinic. Vey nice man also a great dentist. I had to stay in Kiev for four days to have my tooth fixed. The last day I was going to be in Kiev I met Kristina at a cafe. She was very cute spoke English very well, I thought she was very young when we met. I called Ira told her I would not be coming to see them, she was a little upset. Over the next 10 days, Kristina and I met with one another. It was becoming serious between us. On my way to the airport, I was very sad to leave her.
When I finally returned home I had several messages from her. We talk two to three times a day for three months. One day Kristina sent me a photo of her visa to the USA.
I was very excited to see her again, she came the next week. She was with me for one month this time. It was a little difficult for her to be away from her son, this is how she wished to do it. She thought she would come first to see how I lived and if we would be a couple. Later bring her son to live with us! It was very nice to have a woman in the house again. She was the best cooked cleaned took great care of me and my son. How could I be so lucky to have such a sexy woman with me, that took care of me like no other woman in the past?
We planned she would go home get all of her things in order, so we could move her out permanently. She came back in a month and a half to stay with me then get married.

But there was a problem, she was still married, thought she was divorced. There was some kind of problem with the court document she filed. We decided to wait and see what her attorney could do for us. The months went by no news, her ex-was making it hard on her. He even asks me for money to grant the divorced. She would not let me give him anything, she was now not in the best mood. We would argue about things that were not important. The stress was getting to both of us. One day we were in a big argument said some terrible things to one another. The next day we decided she would go back home to fix the problem. I do know the problem was fix, now we had to apologize to one another but it was too late.
There was one more woman I had big feelings for, I went to see her last year to see if we might have feelings for one another.
We spent three weeks together, I was having some deep feelings for her, but she did not have them for me. We decided to just be friends like before. We are still friends, I do miss seeing her soon I will see her again. This is my story of why I am not married, the good thing is I am now a personal date guide. For the men like I was in the past lost is a beautiful country, trying to meet my future wife. With my help, you can find this woman in Ukraine I am sure of it.
Come with me to Ukraine and have the time of your life. Maybe you will find the woman of your life!