Odessa Girls
The Black Sea in Ukraine is a very beautiful place I think it is better than the Black Sea of Romania.
One thing the Black Sea of Ukraine has is some of the most beautiful girls in the world. It is a very popular resort city for Russa and Turkey. But the girls are amazing there and if it is summer time you will not believe your eyes. Beach club after beach club, and at night they transform into nightclubs.
I remember the first time I was in Odessa; I went to meet a friend from Donetsk. Most of the time we were at the beach night and day. It was a little exhausting, but a time I will never forget.
Lana and I were friends from my last trip she was from east of Ukraine where the war was going on. I invited her to come to meet me in Odessa, and she was very welcome to come and leave her terrible life there.
When she arrived, she was so happy to see me and even more to see Odessa I think! We stayed in a very nice upscale apartment, and it was only about $40 a night. When Lana saw it, she was very shocked and said are you rich? She had no Idea how much I paid, so I just smiled.
Now since the war, the Ukraine economy went down quite a bit. It was bad for the people and became very cheap for Westerners.

We had a great time those few days, the first day we stayed away from the beach Lana wanted to see some of the old parts of the city she had never been to Odessa. In the downtown area, it is very old but very nice and easy to get around most places are walking distance. We went to the opera house some say it is the best one in Eastern Europe. We had lunch in an old cafe, and the food was excellent. I do not think there was one bad thing on this whole trip.
We were both tired from traveling so we called it an early night so we could wake up and go to the beach in the morning.
Lana was very excited to go to the beach, we woke, and the first thing she said was let’s go to the beach!
We got dressed and went to the beach it was about 8 am we were some of the first people there. Lana wanted to get a cabana, and a cabana is a bed around 8 feet by 8 feet. I was a little worried about the cost, living in Vegas. If you want a cabana in las vegas at one of the pool parties they have on the weekends, it is from$1000 to over $5000 a day. So when she said cabana it made me very worried.
I was on vacation, so I decided to not worry about the cost and have fun with Lana.

We ate and drank wine for her beer for me it was a very nice time, and at Ibiza club, we are treated like we were rich. We had a boy that would stand just off to the side and bring us whatever we wanted. Halfway through the day, Lana sees someone she knows Nati, a girl she grew up with. We invited her to sit with us she was a very nice girl. I think we were there for 8 hours and must have eaten 3 or 4 times that day.
Ibiza Club is very nice it has 2 freshwater pools, and if you like the sea, it was only 50 feet away.
We were ready to leave we packed up and asked for the bill; now I was getting nervous. When the bill came, I just handed our waiter my credit card. I did not want to even think about it. When the bill came back, Lana said how much was it, Rod? I said I do not know I did not look, she said let me see they might have double charged us. She said no everything is good I ask how much was it, Lana? She said $110 you have to be kidding me $110 that is all for the service for the great food I could not believe it.
The trip was over, and we had to say goodbye I was so worried about Lana having to go back to the war zone. She said I will miss you Rod and don’t worry I will be okay.
Odessa is a great place to date beautiful girls there is much to do there. If you want to go with me and date these amazing girls. click this link.Date Ukraine Women