Russian Women Dating
Dating Rusian women is the same as dating Ukrainian women? Is the dating culture the same in both countries? Are Ukrainian women as materialistic as Russian?

I have dated both Ukrainian and Russian women in Ukraine. I have also dated a few Russian women in the USA. I have noticed the same thing both here and in Ukraine about Russian women. They are like most women in America, they want stuff. Not love but stuff, clothes, shoes, expensive perfume, and anything with value. Russia went through a really bad time years ago the economy crashed. When it recovered it recovered well, Russia was now a materialistic country. Where most have a decent way of life. Similar to the western world.
The average monthly salary is $591 in Russia in Ukraine it is $262. Russia has a greater disposable income. So they became like all other countries that want stuff.
In Ukraine, they are not materialistic why? Because they have not been spoiled in their lives. They do not make enough to buy things like perfume or clothes. I once dated a woman in Lugansk, she was very cute and sweet. The first day I met her she was wearing a sexy dress very tight to her body. On the third date she wore the same dress, I asked if it was her favorite dress? She said it is my only nice dress, the other two I have my mom made for me. I felt very bad for asking now knowing she did not have money for clothes. The next day I took her to a mall to do some shopping. She did not ask me for this.
When I told her she could get some clothes for herself. She looked at me with sad eyes and said I do not need clothing, I don’t want you to buy me things, Rod.

She said I have a good life I do not need clothes to make me happy I need a man to help take care of me. I have dated many girls that say the same thing. They do not want anything from me. I have also brought two women to live with me in Las Vegas from Ukraine. I had no problem with either wanting me to buy them expensive things. Sure they needed the basic thing women need shampoo, cosmetics, also some clothes. But not expensive things.
I date a few Russian women in Ukraine in Odessa to be exact. I met these two women at a cafe very sexy girls. Also very friendly not like most women when you meet them in that part of the world.
We talked and drank wine for several hours, one of the girls told us she wanted to leave. The other stayed with me at the cafe. A few minutes later she came close to me and said if you buy me something I will have sex with you! That caught me way off guard. So me being me I said OK wait here a few minutes I will be right back.
I went to the market and bought two candy bars. I sat down with her told her I got something for you. She opened the bag saw the candy and said what do you think I am cheap? Then said I want shoes or a new dress, not candy. I said you are not cheap, really? I got up walked away laughing at what just happened.
I know so many believe that Russian women are the same as Ukrainian women. From my experience I do not think they are the same yes they speak the same language but they are not the same.

It would be like saying Cubans are the same as Mexicans os the Spanish. All three have different cultures and are very different when it comes to dating. I have read a few articles about how Russian women are greedy only wanting stuff. I found one article that was a little confusing for me. This person dated many Russian women not in their native country but his. Of course, they will be different than if they were in their country. This guy is a dating coach and sells help book for men that need advice on dating women. I am sure a lot of men need books like these. Here is a little of how he feels about Russian women.
Why I Stopped Dating Russian Women
I’ve mentioned before that several years ago, I completely stopped dating Russian women. I’ve discussed the general reasons, but I don’t think I’ve ever given specifics as to why I made this decision. Today, I will demonstrate exactly why I had to very reluctantly, permanently boycott Russian women from my dating life.
As always, we need to get our definitions straight. When I say “Russian women,” I mean not only women from Russia, but women from any former Soviet Union (FSU) country, including Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc. Most of the problematic women I encountered were indeed from Russia, but many were from its satellite countries as well. I have noticed literally no difference in the level of problems I’m about to describe between women from Russia and women from any of the smaller FSU countries.
So just remember that when I say “Russian” in this article, I really mean Russian + FSU women as well.
Secondly, I have zero experience dating women in Russia/FSU who actually live in Russia/FSU. 100{77d98b13d243b44f31c75ad84883e5d111de0b8c49265fea6922cba70cebec2f} of my experience is with Russian women living in the West. I’m willing to concede that maybe Russian women actually living in Russia are different than Russian women living in the USA, but based on the many stories I’ve heard, I really doubt it. I’m just being clear that I have no experience with these women while they’re living in their home countries; just those who live in the USA.
Lastly, I understand that there are exceptions to every rule. I will ignore any comments that say things like “Not all Russian women are like that” or “One time I met a Russian girl who was not like that.” Yeah, I know, an exception to the rule, but as always, the exception proves the rule. Generally speaking, what I’m about to say covers the vast majority of Russian women.
Russian women are the most beautiful women on Earth. Moreover, they’re usually intelligent and are often great conversationalists. They also tend to be good in bed. At the same time, Russian women are usually angry, bitchy, demanding, dominant, and have sky-high levels of both drama and ASD. They combine all the worst characteristics of over-33 women (even if they’re younger than 33), Dominants, Provider Hunters, and religious conservatives.
The time and effort necessary to overcome and/or deal with all of these negatives are not worth it, no matter how hot or smart they are, especially considering that the world is full of super hot non-Russian women.
Listed below are just a few experiences I had dating Russian women over a period of several years before I finally gave up on them. Note that most of these were many years ago, so if you have any critiques on my game or my actions, just remember that.
Russian Girl 1:
I was once on a first date with a Russian girl and we were more or less hitting it off. At about 30 minutes into the discussion, she asked me if I could drive her to a friend’s house to drop something off. It was an odd request, but I went along with it because it was in the same neighborhood where we already were.
I drove her to her friend’s house, and she got out, dropped something off, talked to her friend for a few minutes, and got back in my car. Good. I was worried I’d have to text her to hurry up. However, she then asks me if I can drive her to yet another place to run some kind of errand before taking her back home. I start shaking my head, but she pleads with me and says that it’s very close.
After confirming that the location is indeed close, against my better judgment, I agree. I drive her to some little store where she needs to pick something up. She goes in, picks up her stuff, spends a few minutes, talks to someone for a bit, and then comes back out.
She then asks me to take her to another place. I say, “Sorry, sweetheart, but I’m not your taxi. I’ll just take you home.”
She yells, “FINE!” and angrily throws her package on the floor of my car, folds her arms, and looks out the window. Again, this is our first date; I had never met her before this.
All the way to her house, she gives me the silent treatment. When we arrive, she says nothing other than “BYE!” and slams my car door as she leaves.
I have never had a woman behave like this on a first date, before or since. I didn’t text her back.
Russian Girl 2:
I once had a first date with a very hot Russian woman, about 28 years old. The first date went great. She was beautiful, intelligent, and we had a great conversation. She had a successful small business, doing biz both in the USA and Russia. I was very impressed.
I hit her up for a second date the day after and she eagerly agreed. On that second date, before we went into a fancy bar, we took a quick walk around an adjacent mall. At the Nordstrom’s store, she stopped and started trying various perfumes. I could tell this was a very bad idea, so I gently prodded her to move along. She frowned at me, kept on smelling different perfumes, and asking the clerk there various questions.
Finally, after about ten minutes of this, she pointed at a certain bottle of perfume and told me she “really wanted it.” Price tag: $150. “Very nice,” I said.
“What do you think?” she asked, nodding her head at the perfume.
“What do I think about what?” I said.
“It’s my birthday next week,” she said, again nodding at the perfume.
“Great,” I said.
It is sad that when some women come to a new better country they are looking for the easy way to financial freedom. It is not always this way with all women.
When you come to Ukraine with me you will see for yourself the women there. They want love respect a nice life. I have friends that married Ukrainian women and have no problems with them. If you are looking for something different a new type of women? Come to Ukraine with me and have the time of your life. Maybe find the woman of your life!