Sexy Ukraine Girls

Most men like to look at a sexy girl right? But most men are afraid to date sexy Russian girls or sexy Ukraine girls!

When we see a sexy girl the first thing we think is she is so out of my league. I am the same when it comes to American girls. But I have learned over the years going to Ukraine that this is not so true. There is no rule

Anastasia From Odessa

there no appearance scale. it took me many trips to figure this out. I remember one of the first times I met a sexy girl in Ukraine. it was my third trip to Kiev.

I was in a cafe, as I ordered I saw this very sexy girl at a table on the other side of the room.

For some reason, she was looking straight at me and a small smile formed on her lips. I got up walked over to her, trying to think of something to say. Well, she beat me to it and said where are you from? I said Las Vegas, oh Las Vegas it is my dream to one day see such a city. I asked what is your name she said Stasia I replied my name is Rod. She then said what I would hear quite a few times this trip. Why are you here in Kiev to meet sext girls? I told her no but now that I have, it looks like that is the reason.I am wondering to myself why is this super hot girl talking with me now? I wonder what she wants from me, money to buy her something? We talked and she said we should go for a walk after we eat, will you join me, Rod? We did go for a walk but I did not see her again after that one day.

I was like so many men that think this girl could have any man why is she with me? What does she want from me?

Here is my mistake, after learning what these sexy girls thought about Western men. Most of the Ukraine women are looking for a special man someone different than the type of men they are around. I am not saying Ukraine men are bad guys, I have some very good friends that are great guys. One of the sexy women I meet she was a little older in her mid 30’s. Told me, I am looking for that one man that is different. A man that will never cheat on me a man that will be my one love and support me. I asked Anna what does he look like what does he have to do for a living? She said I don’t know yet what he looks like and as long as he had a job that he is happy with, that will be all I need.

Anna Sexy Woman


Another sexy girl I met was in Odessa she was in a sushi restaurant having lunch with her friends.


Christina Odessa

When I first saw her sitting there I could not help myself to smile at her. Her friends noticed and ask me my name. I said Rod how are you ladies doing today? They asked me to sit with them. Chris was great nice friendly not what you would expect from a sexy girl. After lunch, we went to the park and had a little coffee. We walked and talk for hours and yes she also asks me why am I in her city! I said Chris you are a very pretty girl and she had such a big smile, why don’t you have a boyfriend? She said I am waiting for that special man. A man that will support me and love me. a man I know would never hurt me or cheat on me.

OK, support her now I know what she is looking for in a man! I am not a rich man I can not support a girl and myself.

We had such great conversations and I felt so comfortable with her. The sun went down and we went to a cafe that was outside. You could see all the stars it was a very nice place I decide to try to impress her. I told her I was studying to be an engineer in college but quit school for a job.I told her I have two cars and live in a nice house. I asked her would you like to see a photo of it. Chris said no that is OK I am sure it is nice. I was so embarrassed, she saw this in me and said don’t feel so bad you do not have to impress me, Rod. How could such a sexy girl be so smart too now I knew she was way out of my league. So we left the cafe it was getting late and I wished her a good night and she left in a taxi.

I had some big insecurity issues then like we all do. I learned with the sexy Ukraine girls all you have to be is who you are.

I felt so weak and stupid I was with sexy girls and just gave up on them what a loser. The next time I told myself I would not back down I will stay until she tells me to go away. My next trip to Ukraine I was in Lugansk a small city way to the west. There are many sexy girls in the city I did not know why. I was staying at the Lugansk Hotel and on the top floor, there is a nice restaurant and lounge. I walked around a few times and noticed one of the sexiest girls I met in Lugansk Karina, wow she was a very hot girl.I decided to sit and have something to eat. I saw her and smiled she smiled back and I went on eating, the food was great there. She smiled at me again, I got up my nerve and I went over to her and asked if she spoke English. She said a little can I help you? I said I just wanted to tell you, you are beautiful. She said thank you. I asked her name she said Karina I asked could I sit with you?

Karina From Lugansk

She said I am waiting for some friends but they will not mind.This girl was so beautiful I could not stop looking at her pretty face.

Her friends showed up we talked for a few hours and then it was time to leave. The two other girls stood up and I stood with them. Finally, Karina stood up and I was very impressed wow she was so sexy nice body very tall.I said it was nice meeting you girls. The other girls said you two have fun and walked away. I asked her what we should do she said let’s just walk. We walked and talked her English was not the best. She told me she worked in a cafe and liked her job very much. We had a great evening together, Karina asked me if we could see each other tomorrow. I told her yes any time, she told me after 11:00 am because she had to take her son to school.

In the morning when I first saw her I was so overwhelmed when she walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

I asked her how was her son she had the biggest smile and said you do not mind that I have a child? I said what does it matter if you have a child? She said thank you, Rod. We had a great day it was getting late and Karina said I have to get my son now. I asked where is your son? Oh, he is with a babysitter I must go now. I tried to give her some money for the sitter. She refused my money she said you do not need to help me I am fine I make a good salary.

I was getting to like her even more now, I was missing her through the night. I decided to write her a message it was late very late. I wrote I had a good time did you get home

Sexy Girl


I did not receive a reply from her. In the morning I got a call from Karina, she said why did you text me so late last night? I said sorry but I missed you I. She said you missed me, Rod? That is so sweet of you to think of me like that, men I have dated never showed me they miss me.That was a strange thing to hear. We spent 2 more days together it was very nice getting to know her. The day I left we kissed and hugged and she told me write me a lot OK? I said, of course, I will Karina.

Then I made the mistake I will regret for some time. I asked her in one conversation do you think we are good for each other? She said, Rod, what do you think I am doing?

we are writing almost every day we are getting to know one another. Why would you ask me this Rod? I said you are so beautiful and I am much older than you and want to know if this will be a real relationship? She said Rod you sound like some weak insecure child! She went on to say I need a man, not a kid I am a weak woman and need a strong confident man for me and my son. That was the last time we talked!I called my friend Dasha from Vinnitsa and told her about Karina and the other sexy girls I met. told her they all said they needed someone special someone confident and willing to care of them and support them. Dasha said aren’t you that Rod? You are special for them because you come from America you are kind strong and very caring and I know you will support your girl when she needs it.

 Dasha said they were telling you-you are their special man. The man they were looking for to support them when they need a mans strong arms.

 if you would like to come with me to Ukraine and let me help you find that special woman. I am sure together you would be able to met and date as many sexy women as you like. Date Ukraine

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