Tag: date ukraine women

Do Ukraine Women Like Affection?

Do Ukrainian women like affection from their man? Is it acceptable for a man to kiss a girl in public? What would you think a Ukrainian girl would do if you hugged her in front of her parents?  How far would a woman let her man go in public before she was embarrassed? 

Being in Ukraine for quite a lot of time I have a good concept of when how and what is acceptable. Most girls do like you to be affectionate with them. There is a limit for most girls that are in a public place. You will not be able to have long wet kisses with her. A kiss on the lips all do not mind this. By the way, do not kiss her on the forehead that is done by her dad!

It is nice when a girl likes you she will kiss you on both sides of your face when she meets you and when she says goodbye.

If you want to let her know she is the only girl for you. When another girl especially if she is a sexy girl walks by hug and kiss your girl to let her know she is all yours. I promise she will like this very much. As the economy in Ukraine is not getting any better more and more men are leaving to other countries to work.

So this makes it very difficult for a girl to find a good man. When she has a man she will want you to show her all the time you are her man and she is your girl.

This does not mean you always need to be holding her. But you will need to reassure her you like her. How with a simple kiss or helping her across a roadway. Some of the girls I know want complete attention from her man but most want her man to show he wants to be with her. So many girls have told me do not tell me you love me show me you love me.

Far from how it is in America, the girls here want you to buy them things to prove your love to her. Oh, my man bought me a new car he really loves me.

Or maybe this is how he gets her off his back!! I was talking with a friend the other day he asked me if the Ukrainian girls were the best women to marry? It does help me if I know the man. If you have been in a bad relationship before then yes they are. If you do not want a girl that is needy, by this I mean need you to show her you love her. How by making her first. Read More

Where To Find Ukrainian Girls

When you do decide to go to Ukraine to meet a girl. A girl you know nothing about only the simple communication through letters and video chat hopefully you did this. You meet her she is nothing like you thought. What then? Where do you go to meet real girls simple girls as they say? At a club, some little bar or maybe you sit and wait for one to come to you! 

Incredible Girl

I have met many men in Ukraine that think they are exactly what all girls in Ukraine are looking for. They feel better than these girls and think any girl would be grateful to meet them, right. If this is what you think, get back on the plane you will never find a Ukrainian girl. These girls are not desperate to date any man from a foreign country. There are a few rules you will have to overcome before you even think to meet one of these special girls.

First of all most girls do not or have not had the easiest life. Some arrogant American will have no chance with these girls. I do know this from being that man years ago.

Have you ever wondered why Ukraine and Russia are two of the only places you need to meet a girl online first! Why? Because it is not easy and do not believe it is because of the language problem. It is because of the culture. These girls are smart most have some college it will not be hard to find some with masters degrees. Now back to the question where do you go to meet girls? Read More

Ukrainian Woman How To Kiss Her

Do Ukrainian girls kiss on the first date? Is it proper for a Ukrainian woman to kiss you first? How do you know when it is time to kiss these women? What is a Ukraine kiss?

Natali Kharkov

All good questions, there is only one answer for this it depends on the woman!! A Ukrainian kiss is the same as the way western woman kiss. I have found that many women have not or do not French kiss open mouth kiss. The girls that do open mouth kiss seem to like it very much. There is no secret to how the Ukraine women kiss, but there is one thing different than American girls. They will not kiss you if they do not like you. There is no making out for fun in Ukraine, kissing is very important. When I girl kisses you or lets you kiss her you are on the right track to the next level.

 I have dated women in Ukraine that kissed on the first date why I have no idea. Also, some that took over five dates to get a kiss. Is one girl an easy girl and the other a good girl nope.

It does not mean one girl is easy the other slutty or easy. Most women will not allow you to kiss her in public. Especially with her parents or family. Holding hands is another thing that will not happen if she is not into you. When she is into you or likes you she will feel proud to be holding her man’s hand in public. I like this very much about the women there, there are no mercy emotions. I mean women will not be with you because they feel sorry for you. If they do not like you, they will tell you in not such a nice way sometimes. They are extremely honest to a point.

 It is a little strange how some articles write there is something special or a secret way to make a Ukrainian woman kiss you.

The only secret is she has to like you and feel comfortable with you. It is very hard to trick these woman into doing something they do not want to do. It is a very good feeling to know that the woman is with you because she likes you. Not because you have money or she thinks you are powerful. They are very simple people, they respect and honor their man if he is worth it.

 I remember a story where  I was our having a late night beer in a small cafe outdoors in a park.


I have been to this cafe many times in the past, there is one server that has been working there since I have been going there. She is a very cute sexy girl around 28 or 29 years old. Many men flirted with her as she worked, I am sure it was very tiresome for her. She did not pay me any special attention I was just another customer. One night I overheard her and her manager talking about money, she was short on her cashout. It was a very busy night this night she was the only server.

I noticed some young guys were wanting to pay their bill but she did not notice, they walked out without paying.

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Right Way To Date Ukrainian Woman

 I want to tell you about the proper or correct way to date a Ukrainian woman. Dating advice for dating Ukraine women. Now once you find her, there are a few things you should and should not do.


First, compliment her but make it real when you see her if there is something you like about her tell her. Like your eyes are very pretty, or the color of her lipstick is nice. Don’t tell her she looks hot or sexy, make it real, Women know when you are lying.  You have no idea how many Ukraine women tell me their ex never complimented her. Another thing, even women up to around 35 years old like to be called girls, not women.

I know Americans almost always pay for a women’s dinner but not Ukrainian men.

You will always get a smile and a thank you for doing this. They do appreciate being taken care of by their man. Also, tell her a story of you being brave even if you might think it is small what you did tell it. Ukraine women love a brave man and a confident man.Be confident I do not mean puff out your chest but be a man. Take her to a nice place it does not have to be expensive.If she asks you where you want to sit do not say anywhere is fine. Take control let’s sit by the window, or maybe they have a floor upstairs. By the way, most cafe or restaurants in Ukraine have an upstairs in Ukraine.

Do not order alcohol never, never! Until you know one another if you like it that is. A glass of wine or a beer is fine. Beer or wine is not considered alcohol!

So Sexy

They like to be treated like a lady open the door for them help them be seated. Also, this may sound a little weird, but many of the Women I have dated take the sugar packets from the cafes. Not all of them but some will, please do not offend them either help or ignore it. You see, to some women sugar is an expense they can’t afford. They tell me they like to have coffee in the morning but can’t afford sugar.

Now the date is over it is getting late and always tell her I will get you a taxi especially on the first few dates.

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Why “Date Ukraine Women” Is Different

What is different about personal date guide Ukraine? Is it an online dating company with a membership every month? Is it a Ukraine company? Do they help women or men while in Ukraine? What exactly do they do?

I have received many e-mails that ask these questions. I will answer them the best I can. What is different about us? We are not a Ukraine company, we do not have a big staff nor do we do any online dating services. I do not want to talk generally about the marriage agencies in Ukraine. From my personal experiences in the past 8 years, these companies did not care about me. They were about making money, it is a business that takes advantage of lonely men.

I was one of those men I used several agencies, I will not tell you all of them are bad. Some were not so greedy, made a few hundred off me. Some could have made thousands off me if I let them.

I have spoken with men that spent over $10,000 with these companies. This is how it works, there is a need for the men who decide to go to Ukraine to find love. Some men show up thinking there will be a woman to meet with them that they met online. Some women do meet these men, but for a big cost. You will be charged for everything you do in Ukraine. You will pay double or sometimes triple for an

Lugansk Women

interpreter that is not on your side at all. She will advise you on where to take your date, restaurants, cafes, and sightseeing. She will do everything to make the date as long as possible. If you decide to do anything different from what the interpreter asks the date will be over.

Ok now with personal date guide, this is what we do. We do no online dating you will not have a membership with us. No monthly fee no fake photos with untrue profiles. It is a one time cost for your 8-day tour.

In this time you will be able to meet and date as many women you like. We will have interpreters for you if you need them, the first 5 hours are included. After that, it will be $10 an hour or $80 a day. Some dates you will have with a woman could last 10 to 15 hours! Read More

Tips To Date Ukraine Women

10 tips to date Ukrainian women, or is it 5 tips to date Ukrainian girls? It might be Top 20 tips for dating the Ukraine women. Maybe how to win a woman’s heart! I read so many articles on this subject.

There are no tips to date the Ukraine woman, all you have to do is learn the customs of Ukraine. Then what? Well, the only way to date a Ukrainian woman is in Ukraine. Not online, it is funny so many sites tell you to join an online dating site, why is that? It is for money of course. I met one man a few months ago, he told me he had two Ukranian girlfriends. I asked, oh you have been to Ukraine? He said no I met them online. Are you serious you have two virtual girlfriends, he said no they are real? I asked how do you know they are real? He said I write them every day and they write me back for over 2 months now.

He also told me he has not seen them in video chat either. Somehow this man was lost, caught up in why these online sites make so much money. They prey on lonely men, I do understand this.

Beautiful Real Woman

There was a time I also thought they were real. Here is why I started this company, to help men that are lost looking for love. I asked this man what can I do for you? He said I want to go to Ukraine and date both of them. But I do not want them to know I am dating another girl too. Wow this guy was so lost, I agreed to help him out. A week before he arrived in Ukraine one of the girls told him her mom was sick and she could not meet him. He was relieved, he told me.

He shows up in Kiev I meet with him, bring him to his apartment. He said I want to meet Juia tomorrow. I asked have you spoken with her to meet her?

Nope, but I will have you call her in the morning. In the morning we call Julia, but it is not Julia it is some agency. I had one of my colleges speak with them. They told her the only way Julia will meet him is if they bring their interpreter. Of course, so they can take advantage of him. We agreed to their terms. What they did not know is one of my interpreters would also be there with him. The date lasted 10 minutes if Julia liked this man it would not matter who was the interpreter right? I did help him to meet some real women, in person like normal people do! Read More

Best Countries To Date Women

What are the best countries in the world to date women or girls? What are the best countries to meet women? The Ukraine women are not in the top 25 in either category. Why? Not many can show you how to meet or date Ukrainian women!

Ukraine came in 28th on meeting women and to date women, it was 43rd.The statistic does not bother me at all. They are right it is not the easiest thing to learn how to meet and date Ukrainian women! In the countries I have traveled to I think for me it was Mexico. Beautiful women in Mexico, very friendly and, they love Americans. It is very difficult to get a visa for a Mexican woman. The second would be Belgium most of these women speak English, they are very sweet girls.

Here in Las Vegas where I live some of the time. It is easy to meet the women that come to Las Vegas, but very difficult to date them.

Lugansk Woman

The local women are much easier although they do not go to the strip very often. The women that come to Vegas, unless you have pockets of money it is difficult to date one. One night in a high-end nightclub will set you back $1000 to $1500 for two people. If you get crazy it could cost $20,000 to date a woman here. I could help 5 men in Ukraine date many women not just for one night, but the whole week on 20 grand! They would probably be more fun and sexier.

The first time I went to Kiev I spent over $5000 not including my flight over. Now it would cost a few $1000, but more importantly, I could date as many women as I liked.

Ukraine is a great place to meet women if you know what you are doing that is. With me as your personal date guide or as some call me the “Ukraine Hitch”. I will show you in a matter of days what took me over five years to learn. If you are looking for a wife, or just want to date the women to see if you like them. Either way, I am the guy to help you. I have helped many men meet and date these beauties. They are not only super sexy, also smart, funny, and easy to get along with!

In the eight years, I have been going to Ukraine I have had only one heated argument with a woman. It was over money, of course, she is now a typical gold digger.

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Donetsk Lugansk Ukrainian Women To Date

Eastern Ukrainian women are some of the most beautiful Ukrainian women and girls, I have seen in my life. I dated several Ukrainian women from this region. It was very difficult the first few days I was in Donetsk.

It all worked out in the end with my two new friends Dasha and Marina. My first trip to Lugansk was very eyeopening for me. It let me see how it would really feel to be in Russia! Every city I have been to in Ukraine there is some English feel to it. The menus are in English many cafes have English names. In Lugansk none of this was present. I found only one restaurant that had a young server that spoke English. It was called Melange, a very nice place great food.

 Thinking back, I saw these dark-haired women with green or deep blue eyes. I was mesmerized by these women. When I met a Woman Alla with jet black hair, dark green eyes, with an amazing body.


I have never seen eyes like this before. Time after time I saw these jet black haired Women. When I met Nastia, she had beautiful green eyes, she spoke English quite well. She insisted we go to every part of her city. We found an outside cafe right in the middle of the forest along the river. I do like Lugansk very much there was not much modern to it, an old city that years ago had many factories.

We dated for five days it was one of my favorite times in Ukraine. She was smoking hot but you would not know it from her personality. 

I do not think she knew how gorgeous she was. We would go to a place I forgot the name it had a place to eat out in the garden. One evening Nastia asked me if I wanted to go to karaoke with her and her friend. I did not like to sing, but how could I say no to her? She was the first to sing, her friend said she is one of the best singers. She was great she could sing many different songs. In English, Russian and Ukrainian. She sang to me a love song in Russian, I fell in love with her right then. Read More

Favorite City Vinnitsa

 Are you looking to travel and date Ukraine women or girls? This is the place, Vinnitsa is my favorite place to bring clients. The first time I went there was to meet a woman named Katya, a tall blonde sexy woman. That meeting lasted 4 hours.


I was in a strange city I knew no one, it is so funny this happened to me so many times. I guess I am insane! You know they say if you continue to do the same thing over and over. But expect a different outcome, it is insanity. After I left Katya I was lost I knew no one, did not know where to go. Cities in Ukraine can be very intimidating if you are not used to the customs. I was lucky enough to have met my good friend Ira.

I have spent more time in Vinnitsa than any other in Ukraine. It is a place that you don’t want to leave. From the people to the cafes and let’s not forget the beautiful women.

Oh, and of course the famous Multimedia Fountain Roshen. The fountain display was built on the Southern Bug river, by Roshen Confectionery Corporation. Which is owned by the Ukraine president from Vinnitsa Volodymyr Borysovych Groysman. I don’t know what makes Vinnitsa so welcoming, but I do know if you decide to go there you won’t ever forget it.

I have made many friends in this city and probably the best place to meet a cute Ukraine women to date. The women here are not used to meeting English speaking men, but this is good. Read More

Help Ukraine Women

I have over the years helped some of the nicest women most from Ukraine. All of them either single or single moms! Now in Ukraine, the divorced women need help. Help for women is one of my main goals.

Nice Woman

The tricky part about trying to help these women is a lot of them are too proud to accept help. Sometimes you have to do it in a creative way. I have put money in women purses without them noticing, also in grocery bags. I love to hear stories about men helping the Ukraine women. I received an email from a man that I help in Ukraine, he was from Chicago. He met a very nice woman with my help but I  did not hear what happened to them. In his letter, he explains the story of the past two years of his life.

 He started with thank you, Rod! Then went on to tell me with my help he found the love of his life. But it was not the girl I helped him meet earlier. I asked if I could write his story, he told me sure maybe you can help some other Ukrainian women.

I was with the woman you help me meet but it all fell apart. I was very discouraged for a few months until I saw that show 90 Day Fiance! A story on the show was just like mine. So I thought to call you to see if you could help me again. I thought I do not need his help, I know how to get around in Kiev. Rod taught me how to date the women, so I decided to go on my own.

I was in Kiev for two days I met some women but was having a hard time finding the right one. I was in a cafe at the city center having a few beers, talking with the server.

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