Tag: help Ukraine orphans

$120 Affiliate Commission Pay

I would like to pay the people that help me with helping others. I get a few referrals from friends and people I do not know, even family members. I have opened an affiliate page on my site, so I can pay anyone who refers a client to me. I have made it a flat amount $120, the more you refer the higher your rate goes up.

By referring clients to me I will be able to help more people find happiness. But the biggest thing I will be able to help those that can not help themselves The Orphans the single moms and a new group I found reading an article. They are women that have been hurt and displaced in the war zone. I did know this had to happen but not many talks about the separatist in Ukraine. It hurts me inside, Donetsk was the very first city I stayed when I came to Ukraine. The people of this region help me, took care of me when I was lost. They help me get from wanting to go back to America to want to come back to beautiful Ukraine. This article is a bit sad but people have to know about a country that has been divided.

Ukrainian women find themselves bearing the cost of endless war

Anna Nemtsova:

On a recent evening, several Ukrainian women pushed their wheelchairs along the narrow hallway to the kitchen, where they pounded dough into a pie.

For the dozens of women and children sheltered here in a run-down, four-story community center in Odessa, sharing food is just one small effort to keep together a community ripped apart by war. Across Ukraine, authorities registered almost 1.8 million internally displaced people, driven from their homes and villages by the violent conflict between Russia and Ukraine started in 2014. Thousands of people have been killed. Salaries have plummeted.

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A Saint In Ukraine

Why do I want to help Ukraine women kids and single moms? I was asked in a comment, Rod are you a saint in Ukraine? No of course not but I do like to help people.

On one of my first trips to Ukraine I was asked do you want to visit a Ukraine orphanage with me? I declined that time, I love children and did not know if I could handle to see this. I was very selfish thinking of me, not the kids! Many of my friends in visit Orphanages. There are over 100,000 orphans in Ukraine and growing because of the conflict in the South East. I am now taking clothes to help these children. Clothes are a big cost in Ukraine, you can buy a new shirt or eat for a week. Most do not have much and the single moms have a huge problem. Here is a fact, depending on what group you research. The number of Christians is between 80 to 90{77d98b13d243b44f31c75ad84883e5d111de0b8c49265fea6922cba70cebec2f} of the population.They are good people!

Singel Mom

I once met a woman she was a single mom had a very nice son five years old. I was told he did not know his father.I gave him a toy and he was very appreciative of this. By the end of the day, he called me dad, what a cool thing that was.

The single moms of Ukraine live a very humble and hard life. A woman on her own makes about $200 a month so with a child you can see what she faces. One woman, I met a few trips ago she was a single mom I could see she was struggling. We just finished lunch in my apartment and I offered her some money, she refused. I had plenty of food so I ask would you like to take some food she accepted. I packed a bag of sausage, cheese some sugar and a loaf of bread. I also slipped $50 dollars into the bag. I receive a call a few hours later from her. Thanking me for the nice gift, told me I help her with her rent. Most women will not accept money!

Single mom

 Another friend I have she is also a single mom. I wanted to get her daughter a present for her birthday. I asked Marina what toy should I get your daughter, she said she does not need a toy.

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