Sexy Professional Dater
Here is what happens on most Ukrainian online dating sites. There are agencies most of the time it is a travel or tour Agency. They hire very sexy girls to be professional daters.

The online dating sites partner up with the agency, they will refer a man that is coming to Ukraine. When he is to meet a woman from a site he has to pay for her private information. It can be from $70 all the way up to $300.
Once he pays for the so-called private phone number, email, and address. Depending on the company one of two things happen.
Either he gets a dummy email and phone number, which is not hers, it is the agencies. Most of the time it is @gmail, so when he sends an email it goes to the agency. This is how everything is controlled. It is not a real date!
Another scenario, he receives her real phone number and email. He can write her or call her if she speaks English, some women do most do not. Either way, it goes the end result is the same.
The man and an agency decide when and where to meet. Let us say they decide to meet in Kiev, which most do. No matter what, they will both tell you they need an interpreter. If the woman speaks English, she will tell you I do not know you how can I meet a strange man alone? Read More