Story Of A Ukraine Bride
Should you marry a Ukraine women? Do Ukraine women make good wives? These are questions many men have. Let me help with the answer, Story of a Ukrainian bride.
A few months ago I was in an Eastern Europen market in the USA, most cities have these markets. I bought some things that you can only find in Ukraine. I saw a very pretty women walking down the aisles of the store. We both went to the cashier at the same time. I said to her in Russian hello you first, thank you she replied. She said you do not look to be Russian, but you have a nice accent. I told her I go to Ukraine for work, she asked what do you do? I am a personal date guide. What is that, your a dating guide? I was telling her part of my story, she said would you like to have coffee I want to know how you do this. (The photos in this article are some women that are looking for their hero)
We went to a Starbucks, I told her how and when I started my company. She said it must be very interesting for you to help people find love
. I asked when did she come to America, about 9 years ago. Why did you come to America I asked. She said to marry my husband, my love, and my savior. She asked me if I wanted to hear her story, it is very personal. She began it was 13 years ago I graduated from the university, I studied ecology. I received an offer to go to Thailand to help with the environmental issues they were having.
I knew nothing about Thailand at the time, but I was up for an adventure. In 2 months I was in Phuket, Thailand. I had no idea it was so hot, the bugs were so big it drove me crazy!
I was not being paid a lot, after five months I decided to go back home to Kharkov. My profession was not in demand in Ukraine I decided to move to Kiev. Kiev was very scary for me, I was young and knew no one there. Read More