Tag: Ukraine private Guide

Ukrainian Women Speak English?

Do the Ukrainian women speak English or French or maybe German? How easy is it to meet a Ukrainian girl if she does not speak English? Are there many women that speak English? Are the Ukrainian women familiar with English or other foreign languages?


I remember the first time I went to Ukraine so unprepared so nieve about a country that has many great things about it. I did not even know how to say simple hello or goodbye. Now my Russian is better but not the best, I started to learn it but found I did not need it. Yes, more and more people are learning English now. It is not required in schools. From what I see and hear more of the younger people are speaking English nowadays.

If I have a problem and need someone to help me translate, I turn to the teenagers or even kids as young as 10 years old.

Most of the kids speak English I have found.  It is a little rude to ask do you speak English! I have learned if you at least try to speak their language, it will get you a long way with the people. Ask in Russian or Ukrainian a question more likely than not you will find someone who can help you.

Years back when I would go to Mexico two to three times a year I took a friend with me, Steve. Steve was no ladies man he always seemed to get himself in trouble by saying or doing the wrong thing.

Beautiful Girl

One morning I was sitting on the beach with some friends, Steve walks up followed by this beautiful Mexican girl. I ask him what did he do this time, he said I did not do anything I wanted to introduce you to Berta! She was very cute, I then find out she does not speak even a little English. Steve only knows hello and goodbye in Spanish, so how did these two meet? He told me they met in the lobby of the hotel we were staying. It was a few years ago so all they had to communicate was a paperback translation book.

I did not think it would last between these two, but day after day they were together. I saw a side of Steve come out that was weird, he was actually happy.

So now I am thinking like so many do she must want money or a visa from him. He was 15 years older than her. Steve and I had a talk about his new friend I tried to be as careful as I could. I asked if he thought she really liked him? He said I think so today I will meet her mom and dad. He asked if I wanted to come with my friend, sure we will go with you. They are having a party at the hotel it starts at 7 pm. When we arrived it was a very big party many people it looked very expensive. Read More

My Favorite Country Ukraine


Ukraine is one of the most beautiful places I have been, from the modern city of Kiev to the 300-year-old city of Lugansk. Lugansk is now in the middle of the war in Ukraine.

When I was there it was exactly what you would think to be the old USSR city we all see in the movies. The Eastern part of Ukraine was my first look at this new country. I first was in Donetsk in 2011 although at first! It was a strange place for me. It soon became a place I truly enjoyed I met some very nice people there.

I think from my opinion the East of Ukraine has the most beautiful girls.

Green-eyed Ukraine girl
Green Eyes

I saw these black haired girls with green or deep blue eyes I was mesmerized by these women. Then I met a girl Anya with jet black hair and grey eyes with just a little violet in them. I have never seen eyes like this before. Day after day I saw jet black haired women, but at this time I had no idea how to date one. Until I met Inna beautiful green eyes, she spoke English quite well.We went to a river Siversky Donetsk a beautiful place. Trees all along the banks the water moved so slow, we found an outside cafe right in the middle of the forest. As we were coming back to the city we passed church after church beautiful with gold tops. I do like this city very much! It is an old city that years ago had many factories. I do pray that soon the conflict will be over and the people of the East will live in peace whether it be part of Ukraine or part of Russia.

I have been to many cities in Ukraine but Donetsk was the first, it was a somewhat modern city, now I understand it is in ruin.

Donetsk is the city which I will never forget, I arrived just after sunset and had no Idea what was coming next. I was so nervous in that taxi ride not know anything about Ukraine all I knew was it was part of the USSR years ago. The airport was so far from the city, so as we drove through the forest, I saw fog through the trees.Now my thoughts were getting way out of control I started thinking werewolves or vampires. Maybe the cab driver would leave me in the forest, take my luggage and leave me.

 The cab driver said I want to show you something, and he said look over there, I saw this beautiful soccer stadium. The driver was so proud; he said the Euro 2012 would be played here.

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Are Kiev Women Strong?

 Is there a difference between Kiev women and the other cities women? Are Kyiv women stronger or harder to date? Kiev women do have a few differences from other Ukraine women. Are they more difficult for dating?

Tough Woman

One of the biggest differences is you will meet women from all over Ukraine. Women that came to Kiev for work or to escape the conflict in the east. does this make them more difficult to date? No, I think the Kiev women are more independent. The women that migrated to Kiev, are more open to change. They have already left their old lives behind, so will be more willing to move to another country. I will have to say some of these women have been hardened. Hardened from their past, but also from being alone in a big new city. These women are not nieve, some will take time to prove to them they can trust you.

Kiev is a big city, not the easiest to get around in. if you can read Ukrainian you will have no problem using the subway. If not you will have a lot of walking to do.Taking a taxi in the city center is not the best during the daytime.

I have been lost in Kiev a few times, once you learn the major landmarks you will be fine. With my company, you will not have a problem finding your way. The city can be a lot of fun once you learn the system there. There are some very nice restaurants many cafes and pubs. I will give you the basic layout of the area you will be in, so you will feel comfortable during your stay. The first time I was in Kiev was a nightmare for me. I did not go more than 500 meters from my hotel, scared to look around. Thinking back, I was a very pathetic man or should I say, child! Read More

Ukraine Online Dating Site Jobs

Ukraine online dating scams start here. Hiring people to do the dirty work for them. This is a fraction of the number of jobs offered. 

When you read through these adds, the first thing I see is the amount of money offered. If these jobs were real, well what I mean if they paid what they wrote here. There would not be any online dating jobs. If the word got out you could make this amount of money. Every Ukraine person I know that speaks English would work for them. 12000 UAH is the best pay you would find in Ukraine which is about $420. It is more than twice the amount most make in a month. Another thing it does not say anything about gender, both men and women can apply!

I am not saying every online dating Ukraine site is a scam, why do they need so much help? If the pay was that good no one would leave a job like that.

Trustworthy Girl?

Well, the truth is most people that have tried these jobs quit after the first month. Because they do not get paid what was promised. I know a few girls who did this type of work, only made $1 or $2 for the month. So they scam the foreign men, but also the translators that did all the work! This is why I do not want to be associated with Ukraine online dating. When you allow random people to sign up and do not check their identification there is no way to control it. But even if they do check whos to say the girl is trustworthy?

I have signed up for a few online dating sites as a woman. They did not ask me for anything more than a name and email address. I uploaded a few fake photos and I was approved, simple.

I was told some of the big companies check passports of the girls. If you are corresponding with a Ukraine woman, ask for her passport. If she says she does not have one she is lying they are required for every citizen over 16 years of age. It is a shame the Ukraine women and girls are being blamed for these scams. Most of the women I know either have tried online dating and quit or never tried it. This is another reason I do not have online profiles of women. It does not work for either side. Read More

Ukraine Women Dating

As I go through the internet and look up how to date a Ukraine woman. There are many so-called help blogs out there. Some want to help you date Ukraine women. Some want to warn you about scams.

Then there are the ones that try to tell you what are the best Ukraine online dating sites. It can be pretty comical! Some online Ukraine dating sites have blogs that warn you about online dating. What is so insulting is they give you advice, then they want you to join

Irina Ukraine scammer

an online Ukraine dating site. What the Fu..!! I have looked through most of the articles from many many sites. Most are just trying to entice you to join a specific site or two or three.

I love the ones that say we are the best site you can trust us all of our women are real with real photos. Wow, I have been to Ukraine many times. I have yet to see a photoshopped woman sitting in the park!

90{77d98b13d243b44f31c75ad84883e5d111de0b8c49265fea6922cba70cebec2f} of the online sites have photoshop pictures of their women. I know it is hard to not look at these photos being men. Really do we all believe Ukraine women are flawless sexy supermodels? If this


were true wouldn’t there be more Ukraine professional supermodels? I did a little research and found over the years from 1980 to today there were 7 models that could be considered supermodels!  How can this be? It is simple we are all being scammed tricked. I am very sure we all know the difference from an enhanced photo to a real one Right? Here is a test which woman is real?  Olya or Irina? If you get this wrong you deserve to be scammed.

 What I am trying to say is use some common sense when you look for an online Ukraine dating site to join. I have some recommendations but they are from friends I met with, in Ukraine.

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Is There A Typical Ukraine Woman?

Many people think of a Ukraine or Russia woman as dark hair brown eyes. But also I have had friends say the typical Slavic woman is Blonde blue eyes. Which

Dark Hair Brown Eyes

is correct? 

Blue Eyed Blonde

I personally found that in the eastern part of Ukraine Donetsk, Lugansk, and Alchevsk have the dark hair but some of the women have blue or gray eyes. I will not forget the first time I saw a woman with gray eyes. Kiev is hard to say there are women from all over Ukraine that settle there. In the west Rivne, Lutsk, and Lviv the women are more fare complected. Light brown hair blonde hair and light eye color.  Ukraine women are like the women of America all different types light dark green eye blue eyes and dark eyes. Which is better? it is up to you all I am saying if you can not find your type of woman in Ukraine then she probably does not exist.

The one thing I find typical of Ukraine women and girls is their personality. After you get to know a woman she will not hold back ask her a question and she will have an opinion.

Rarely will you get “oh baby I don’t know whatever you like!” I was told many times by Ukrainian women if you don’t want an honest answer then don’t ask the question. I still get a little offended sometimes by their answers to my questions. I was going on a date with a girl in Odessa, I had my favorite shirt on. When she saw me she gave me a look like something smelled bad. She said are you going to wear that shirt? I asked don’t you like it? Nope take it off is is so ugly! My favorite shirt is now in the bottom of my closet. Read More

Date Ukraine Single Moms

I wrote a piece a month or so ago about single moms of Ukraine. I hope to help the single moms how ever I can. Ukraine single moms have a very hard time some work several jobs for their children.

The many single moms I have met in my travels to Ukraine always make me smile and also feel very sad. These women are in a country where they do not get much help from the state. It is a poorer country so the pay for a woman is not much. In big cities, it is around $250 A month in smaller cities it could be as low as $150 a month. Some of these women leave their country for Poland, Hungary or Italy for

Single Mom

work. The problem is they do not take the kids with them some leave with relatives some with friends. Most of the women that leave never come back to Ukraine.

Here is why I am trying to help the single moms, to better their lives and their kids lives. The men that are thinking to come to Ukraine to find a wife has a good chance to meet and date these women.

Because it is difficult for single moms or divorced women to find a good man they are more open-minded than other women. I have help men meet women for a while now, one I remember quite well. He is Jason, older guy in his early 50’s. He was set on finding a Ukraine wife. Most of the women I met with Jason liked him thought he was a good man. In the end, it was his age that they could not deal with. This poor guy had a rough life and looked older than his age. Read More