Tag: Ukraine single moms

Date Ukraine Single Moms

I wrote a piece a month or so ago about single moms of Ukraine. I hope to help the single moms how ever I can. Ukraine single moms have a very hard time some work several jobs for their children.

The many single moms I have met in my travels to Ukraine always make me smile and also feel very sad. These women are in a country where they do not get much help from the state. It is a poorer country so the pay for a woman is not much. In big cities, it is around $250 A month in smaller cities it could be as low as $150 a month. Some of these women leave their country for Poland, Hungary or Italy for

Single Mom

work. The problem is they do not take the kids with them some leave with relatives some with friends. Most of the women that leave never come back to Ukraine.

Here is why I am trying to help the single moms, to better their lives and their kids lives. The men that are thinking to come to Ukraine to find a wife has a good chance to meet and date these women.

Because it is difficult for single moms or divorced women to find a good man they are more open-minded than other women. I have help men meet women for a while now, one I remember quite well. He is Jason, older guy in his early 50’s. He was set on finding a Ukraine wife. Most of the women I met with Jason liked him thought he was a good man. In the end, it was his age that they could not deal with. This poor guy had a rough life and looked older than his age. Read More