Tag: Ukraine Tattoo Girls

Dating Ukraine Tattoo Girls

What is it like dating a girl with a tattoo in Ukraine? This might seem to be an odd question! I have dated women with tattoos in Las Vegas, most people do not mind.

In the early part of 2017, I was in Kive waiting for some friends to show up in the next few days. Being a hamburger fanatic I found a new type of restaurant well new for Kiev. It is the Happy Grill Bar very good food, And some of the sexy servers you will find in the city. One

Happ Grill Bar

evening I was about to have one of the delicious burgers. A couple of very pretty women came in and sat in a booth next to me. What a

dilemma I was facing beautiful girls all around me. How could I even eat at the moment? One server I think her name was Katya or Christina, I don’t remember. The women next to me were making comments about the girls serving them. Asking if there were cold with so few clothes on! The girls just laugh and said nope.

When I was talking to my server who spoke English quite well. One of the women turned to me and ask me where are you from? It was kind of rude I thought at the time, I was talking with the other girl.

Finally, I said I am from America, what is it you need? Taking her menu she asked what should we order? What do you think is the best American food here? I told her I do not know my first time here, but from the photos, it all looks like American food. The server came over, she added to the conversation. One of the women said come over here with us, so you can help us decide. What a lucky day I was

Julia From Donetsk

having. Marina and Olga were the names.We sat talked and got to know one another. When the food came it looked very good, one of the women said. Wow, this does not look like McDonald’s food!! Olga was very sweet smart and very sexy, Dark long hair very nice.

We were getting along well and Olga asked if I would like to go out with them to another place. Of course, I accepted, we went to a place I have not been it was on the left bank of

the city.

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Ukraine Tattoo Women

 Is it OK to have a tattoo in Ukraine? The Ukraine tattoo women I have met say it depends on two things where you are and where is the tattoo!

Meaning if you are in a big city Kiev or Odessa then most do not mind if you have a tattoo. But if you live in a smaller town then you could be looked on poorly. Also, where is the tattoo on your neck or the small of your back or shoulder where most will not see it. To be honest, when I look at a girl with a tattoo I ask my friends what they think about such a person. Their reaction is almost always not very favorable. Some say she looks dirty or maybe she is a stripper! I felt very unhappy for these women; they just want to express themselves. All the Ukraine women that I met that had a tattoo had a story behind it, and most were not good stories! I found this blog post a few days ago written by worldly.us


Tattoo Girl Inna

If you know me, you know that I have a few tattoos I dearly love. I am also planning on a few more and don’t really set myself up with limits as to how many. I love having art on my body – I love having pieces that are meaningful and those that are just for fun. Tattoos are the way of expression and the more grown-up you get – the fewer ways of that expression you get. For me personally – it is crucial to keep it alive.

Growing up in a small-town Ukraine tattoos were always a taboo so now when I go back, I always need to sort of prepare people for the fact that I have ink on my body. You would think ‘my body – my choice,’ but then I would know that you clearly did not grow up in a small town where your neighbors are waiting for your visit each year so that they can have something to gossip about. And trust me: I gave them plenty in the last couple of years. From becoming a flight attendant to getting yet another tattoo: I guess I am glad to be of service to our elderly.

Circling back to tattoos. First time I ever saw a lot of people who clearly did not all go to prison in order to get one (a constant misconception of the small-town folk)

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