Tag: Ukraine Travel

Ukraine Personal Dating Guide

I have read time after time how men get either scammed or taken advantage of when going to date A Ukrainian girl. It is not the fault of online dating sites it is a 50-50 fault. The lonely men that believe a sexy photo and has lost his sense of reason. Also, some dating agencies in Ukraine are not trying to help people meet. But to make money off people trying to find love.

I have met with men, read many stories about men being scammed. As they say, it takes two. It still surprises me to why a man would sign up to an online dating site to meet a girl from another country. Yes, the internet is so convenient now to talk with someone anywhere in the world. For someone that says to me, they met a Ukrainian girl online.

I ask them how can you meet anyone online? I the virtual world now or new real world? If this is true them stay home with your virtual girlfriend.

Please do not go to Ukraine thinking this virtual girl is going to meet you at the airport. If she does she will not be what you think she is from chatting with her. Do we forget about phone sex? Remember before the internet there were I think 900 numbers that have women talk about sex with you. 100$ later you go to sleep alone. What is the difference with these girls online? It is their job to keep you talking obviously more time more money they receive!!

With Personal Date Guide Ukraine, we help you meet and date real girls in Ukraine. For instance, I or one of my colleagues will be with you show you the correct way to approach a girl.

Can you believe this we will take you to the best places to meet a girl? If you are a bit shy, we will do all the work for you. I will give you an example. One morning a client of mine was sitting in a cafe drinking coffee for 4 hours. He called me wanted me to meet him at the cafe. When I arrived he was sitting in the far corner.

I asked him what is going on, why have you been here for so long? He said do you see that girl the waitress? I find her to be so amazing, I would love to have a girl like her.

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Sex With Ukrainian Girls

What does sex mean in Ukraine? Is sex a forbidden topic when you meet a sexy Ukrainian girl? Could a man have a conversation about sex with girls in public? Is sex with Ukrainian girls better or worse than in other countries? What are the chances of a foreign man having sex with girls without knowing the customs?

Here are some of the questions I have been asked by potential clients. I could be upset that this is what they are looking for in Ukraine but it is natural. To ignore these questions would be very hypocritical I think. OK, first I would like to talk about professional girls or prostitutes. Being from Las Vegas I myself have become used to knowing about this lifestyle. Sex is everywhere in Vegas.

In Ukraine, it is not in your face as they say. The most you will see is strip club billboards on the highways. For a city as big as Kiev there are not many clubs like this.

There was a brothel on a riverboat but I understand it was closed a few years ago. I have met with men that ask me why are there so many sexy women in Kiev. Dressing in a short skirt very high heels skin showing all over the city, but no prostitutes? I do not know the answer to this, maybe it is not needed?

I have had a chance to talk with girls and women about sex in Ukraine. Most of the time it is in a group of more than 2 girls. The conversation usually goes like this.

Most girls think real life in America is like movies or TV. It is very eye-opening for me to know that sex or talking about sex is not that big of a deal there. I remember one group of girls they were from age 25 to 30 I would say. Once the conversation switched to talking about sex it was a long afternoon. There was no talking about the act itself but a lot about the process leading up to the act.

They were so curious to know if most American girls were willing to have sex with a man they just met. In so many TV shows it is shown to be like this.

After a few hours of talking, I realized sex is natural and not at all forbidden to speak about it in cretin company. I asked the girls would you go to a man’s apartment after you just met him. All said no they would not! One girl asked me if I were married or had a girlfriend? I answered no I am single. Read More

Date Ukraine Tour Package

There are many different tour packages to travel to Ukraine. Day tours where a guide shows you the tourist attractions. Also tours to other cities like Lviv or Odessa 2 to 4-day tours. There are also package tours where a tour company provides most of your travel needs. From hotel to showing you the sites of Ukraine.

Nadezda Kiev

The above tours can run from $100 all the way up to $6000. What we at Personal Date Guide Ukraine do for men. We take care of all your travel needs from apartment to ground travel. There is one other thing we take care of for you. Meeting and dating Ukrainian girls. We show you the correct way to meet a woman, there are some cultural differences. Many men who travel to Ukraine without help end up broke and alone. I have seen this many times in the eight years I have been traveling and helping men meet women.

Personal Date Guide Ukraine

I meet with you in Ukraine and help you meet and date Ukraine women. I will not do any online dating, it will all be real dating in Person.
Type Of Tour Personal Date Tour
5 travelers max, dedicated tour escorts & guides throughout
Departures Scheduled Dates; There are many dates to choose from– check dates here
Price Includes  

  •  All ground transportation and transfers from the airport
    • Accommodations in Modern Apartment
    • Professional, English-speaking driver/guide (also several other Languages covered)
    • I will provide interpreters, first 5 hours free. ($10 per. hour extended)
    •  Flat cost for date tour! No hidden fees! interested click here Date Ukraine Women
    • We do all the preparation for you, show up in Kiev and we got the rest!

This is What we do for you an all-inclusive tour and you get to meet as many women as you like. There is no extra charge for meeting new women like some companies do.


Our Goal is to give you the time of your life, hopefully, introduce you to your future love! I do remember the first few times I went to Ukraine I tried online dating sites I tried Ukraine dating agencies. Every time I would be sitting on the plane going back home, wondering what just happened? Sure at the time I thought everything was good I was with beautiful women even dated her a few times. It was all staged for me and my money!!

Online dating companies are just that online dating companies. They do not care if you ever go to Ukraine as long as you pay them every month.

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Good Bad And Ugly Ukraine

 Is Ukraine safe right now in 2018? The Ukrainian women are good for relationships? The Ukraine girls are the best to date? Is it good to live in Ukraine?


I have been telling people for years all these questions above are true, Ukraine is a very nice place to live. There is a big feeling of community awareness, people come together every day in Ukraine. Go to a park or walk along the waterfront, you will see many people enjoying the outdoors. In the summer in certain cities, you will see some of the sexiest women in short skirts or short shorts.

I always feel welcome when I am in Ukraine. My first few visits I was not sure how the people would feel towards me.

I did not talk much to many people. When I came to understand they do like American men very much it was easy to become friends with many people in Ukraine. I can help you navigate through all the customs the things to do and not to do when dating a woman. One mistake many Western men make on the first date is flowers. It is OK to give flowers to a woman but not yellow roses, also in odd numbers. It is bad luck to give a woman 12 roses, which is the norm in America.

Many different sites will tell you many different ways to date a Ukrainian woman. There is no one way to date any woman.

But we all know when we meet someone that is kind has good manners we like them. Here is the problem with most men in Ukraine, what now? I met a woman how do I go about dating her? One thing I can tell you that will make her feel very uncomfortable is some man being loud. You know the guy I am talking about, the one that loves attention speaks loud so everyone can hear him. This is a big problem in this country. I saw this the first time in Vinnitsa. There were some German men drinking and being loud. They would be fine in most countries, for just having fun. They were asked by a few different men to keep it down or leave, they left.

Here is an article was written by a man that lives in Ukraine and the good and bad he feels this country has.

Bad Girl In A Good Way


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Where Is Ukraine?

Where is Ukraine many people ask me this is it in Russia most ask? Is it in Europe or Asia? Believe it or not, some have no idea where Ukraine is. But most Know Ukrainian women are very sexy, also that many men get scammed there.

How is it that not many know where it is but they know the women are hot and men get scammed? I am sure from the media about the scamming, but how do so many know they are very sexy girls there? In the American movies, I think there are three Ukrainian women celebrities. I am trying to think how do so many know the women are sexy. I do not see anything on TV that shows sexy Ukrainian women. There are a few shows that talk about how Russian and Ukrainian girls are gold diggers

It could be through the online ads on the internet. My mom told me the other day she was online looking for something, an ad from some Ukraine dating site popped up.

2010Photo Julia

I read once that over 5 million men have joined Ukraine online sites at one time or another. Could it be this is how Ukraine got its notoriety? From online ads on the internet? I do remember the first time I heard about Ukraine was online about 12 years ago. I Was out of work bored from watching TV so I went online to a Russian dating site. I do not remember the name, but I received a letter from a girl in Lugansk. A very pretty girl she wrote very kind words to me, not like the Russian women. I looked for more girls from Ukraine on this site, there were only a few.

Over the years more and more Ukrainian girls started to show up on the Russian sites. I think now more men look to Ukraine than they do to Russia for online dating.

I started to travel to Ukraine in 2011 eight years ago, online dating was much different then! One company had the most Ukraine members it was loveme.com. I used this site for a year or so, but it was so expensive. I did not meet one single woman from this site.I saved a few photos from the sites 11 years ago they were not so photoshopped then. I think the technology was not very good at the time. Now 95{77d98b13d243b44f31c75ad84883e5d111de0b8c49265fea6922cba70cebec2f} of the Ukraine online dating site use enhanced photos, it is a shame what they do to Ukrainian women.

Beautiful Woman

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Your Personal Date Guide

What would help you meet and date the beautiful Ukrainian women or girls? A personal date guide like me. I have helped many men in Ukraine date beautiful women. I take out all the guesswork, from the date customs to how to get around in Ukraine.

I have for over eight years been dating Ukrainian women. I first used anastaisiadate it did help me meet a few women online. It was very difficult until I learned some of the rules. Slavic women can be a challenge to understand, how their mind works. For one thing, if she tells you something she means it, there are no head games with her. If you are too old she will tell you if you are you fat she will tell you. You need to have thick skin most of the time. When she does like you, start to trust you it will be like no other woman before.

I have been getting a lot of emails asking what exactly do I do for you. What would a typical tour with me be? From the beginning, we will pick you up from one of two airports in Kiev.

Imagine Meeting Her!

Bring you to the apartment office where you will be given your keys, and escorted you to your apartment. Which is included in your tour package. Me or one of my staff members will instruct you on how to get in and out of the apartment. We will give you a quick tour of the neighborhood. Places to buy water and some essentials you made need during your stay. It will not be a formal tour like some expect. I will not give you a tour of the city sites, this will be done by the women you date. Most Ukrainian women are very proud of their cities, it will be a must for them.

The reason why I like the number of guests for me to be 4 or 5 is the interaction. Most women are not easily persuaded to meet a man by himself.

It will also be better for you and your date to have another couple to interact with. It is not a must but it seems to work better. That is unless you want to take a private tour only you, we can accommodate this for a high price. When you first arrive the group of men on the tour you pick will be together the first night. Read More

Beautiful Women Beautiful Ukraine

 The beautiful women in Ukraine are also the sweetest, kindest women. If it were not for two Ukraine girls I met I would not be writing this. Ukraine women are smart, easy going, Sexy and have high family values.

I remember the very first time I came to Ukraine nieve scared and very unsure. Until I met Marina and Dasha, these two changed my life for the better that week! I was raised in a family first culture also. My fathers family was from Mexico, we had a huge family. Now when I see my family it is very comforting how we all turned out. Not the richest or most powerful but very supportive and kind. I do not remember a time where there was a fight among family members. Ya, sure some did not agree with others so they don’t talk to one another, but no fighting! I love my family very much. On my mom’s side, they were from England and Poland a few generations back. Again they had their differences but no fighting. I had a good childhood!

It took me three times to plan a trip to Ukraine I kept on canceling it for one reason or another. It was late September when I finally got up the nerve to go. After a long 20 hour flight from Las Vegas, I was in Kiev the capital city.

Apartment Complex Kiev

I made a reservation at a small hotel it was on the left bank of the city. At that time I did not know any difference between left and right bank of the river. Now after being there at least 20 times, I know the difference.The left bank is where most people live, in these big apartment complexes that we have seen in movies. Read More

Is It Safe To Visit Ukraine

Is It safe to go to Ukraine? Some bloggers are writing about things they do not know. Yes, it is safe to travel to Ukraine. If you ask any of the 100’s of friends I have in Ukraine this question.

They would look at you and wonder what are you asking me? Then continue to say what is not safe about my country? Sure if you dumb enough to go to eastern Ukraine where the war is. You would not be safe, nobody would. I found this video on youtube a few days ago and it will show you what a beautiful country Ukraine is.


Here is an article, written by Katie Matthews. It is great that someone got it right about this beautiful place.


We Like Ukraine So Far & There’s A Lot On Offer For Curious Travelers

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Ukraine Safe Tours

I have been asked this so many times, is Ukraine Safe? With me, you will have a safe tour to Ukraine.

There are many videos on the subject, but I prefer the videos that are by foreigners. Not to say Ukraine people are dishonest, but there will be biased of course. Check out this video it is very well put together.

I was Suprised to realize most people in Ukraine do not speak English!

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Ukraine Personal Guide

What will you get with us an experience you will not forget we will be your personal tour guide in Ukraine.

Kiev apartment
Our Apartment Included

What comes with our Ukraine tour package? We will provide you with round trip transfer from Kiev Boryspil Airport to our apartment office. You will stay in a modern Apartment in the city center in a safe and easy access to markets, cafes, and restaurants. During your stay, we will find Ukraine women for you to date. Not prearranged women but women in parks malls or cafes.Over the past eights years, I have been introduced to most of the dating customs and will coach you on what to say and do when you meet a woman. The most important thing you need to date a beautiful Ukraine woman is how to meet her. Not online with some prearranged professional dater. A girl that is paid to meet you and have you believe she likes you. Only for you to realize in the end, you have been scammed.We will show you how to meet a girl even if you are a shy person.

old kiev apartment
Their Apartment $100 A Day

What can be the cost to travel to Ukraine using other companies? I have met men that have paid over 15,000 dollars to meet a girl in Ukraine.

The other online site charges for membership every month, plus the translation of the letter you write. Photos of the girl are extra on some sites $5 to $20 per photo. let us see the typical cost of a six-month romance on an online Ukraine dating site. I know this by personally being scammed Read More