Ukraine Female Fitness Models

Are you a man that takes care of his body? If you are, these are some of the sexiest Ukraine women there are. The Athletic, or the sexy female fitness models of Ukraine. Super Sexy Ukraine Women and girls.

I have been going to the gym most of my life. The tough thing about gyms in America are the people working out. Some gyms are for the

My Friend Marina

pretty people and older or people out of shape don’t belong there. Then there are the gyms for muscle heads you know the steroid guys. Sometimes it is difficult to know which gym to go to. In Ukraine, I have been to many gyms it is so nice all types are welcome. Muscle no muscle skinny heavy they do not discriminate.

I usually workout for one and a half hours. In Ukraine, I am there sometimes two to three

Marina From Gorlovka

hours. Why? The women are amazing! The trainers are so sexy and of course in great shape.

Some people that go to the gym in Ukraine do not know how to work out. So I do spend some time helping them, they do appreciate it. Here in America, it is very hard to approach the models in the gym. In Ukraine, it is not so difficult as a matter of fact the will come up to you and want to talk. Ask you questions about how did you learn that style or technique. It is sometimes so intimidating to talk with these women. They are simple people, with incredible bodies. It does not cost much to go to the gym, only one to two dollars a day. They are very modern for the most part. In some smaller cities, they are like a home gym, but it works.

 A friend of mine that I met on my first trip to Ukraine she uses to live in Gorlovka. A few miles north of Donetsk, her city is not safe it is right in the middle of the fighting.

I feel very bad for her, I remember a conversation I had with her. She was very upset and sad because she had to leave her city. She

36 Year Old Trainer

moved north to a bigger city she is safe but misses her home of course. About four years ago she started training to be a fitness model. She sent me a few photos and wow she looks great. I understand she quit training because she could no longer afford the lifestyle. I wish I could help her more then I did, I have not heard from her for more than two years now. I hope and pray she is alright.

 There is another type of fitness women that are also super sexy. The dancers, from Ballet to salsa even hip-hop they are in incredible shape. In a lot of the clubs and some of the small cafes, they have sexy women dance in small stages.

It is a great way to pass this time. I have always wanted to go to a ballet. The funny thing is there are many ballet theaters in Ukraine. I just have not been able to see it yet. I have seen these women workout, I have to say they are some of the most dedicated women. They can workout sometime eight hours a day. I dated a ballerina a few years ago and her legs were like steal, hard but very sexy. She was also very smart had a degree in Astrophysics. In Ukraine, I understand when a girl is young she chooses between gymnastics or dance. This is why I think most women have great figures, very curvy. Even the smaller women are curvy!

 There is also another type of fitness women. I know some women do it here. In Ukraine,

Odessa Woman

I have been told it is very popular there. Pole dancing!

I am not talking about like in the strip clubs but very athletic pole dancing. There are even many competitions for this sport. if you would like to see this go to youtube look up Ukraine pole dancing. This sport is also very strenuous, the women that do this are very strong and flexible. Unlike other sports, if you make a mistake here you could fall and break your back. The girls I know that do this have the biggest biceps. Because they use their stomachs to lift them, their abs are rock hard. I am not sure if I like such a body, but it looks very sexy.

Every time I go to a new city in Ukraine I find the nearest gym. First I love to workout, the second I want to see the super sexy women. I never have a problem getting up in the morning and going to the gym when I am in Ukraine.

Single Mom

One of my favorites in Kiev is called fitness club Interfit Kiev When I am in Vinnitsa I go to Fitness Time a very new modern club as good as any in the USA. Some might think Ukraine is not a modern country but you can get almost anything we have here in America. Most of the time the American products are cheaper then we get them. I have not had a problem to buy what I need, but sometimes it takes a while to find the right store. The smaller stores are very specific in what they sell, one store sold only soap from laundry to hand soap. 

 This is why you need a personal guide in Ukraine like me. With me, I can show you the best places to eat, the best places to have some of the best beer. Also, the best place to meet women.

it is not always the same in every city. Also, it is not the same in every season of the year. I will show what you need to find a beautiful woman when you meet her I will show you how to keep her interest. I know a lot about dating customs, do not think you can read a few articles online and be fine. I have destroyed a few of my relationships because I did not know the date rules. I have always been told do not treat the Ukraine women the same as American women.

Would You Like To Date A Woman Like Her?

So let me ask you can you do this from reading how to pick up Ukraine girls or 5 things you need to know to date a Ukraine woman? Know of course not, why would you want to take a chance on going to Ukraine?

Going there unprepared could cost you a lot of money. Unless you have a few months to learn the customs you will be unprepared. Like I was the first time. I had no idea what I was doing yes I met some women but I was not even close to knowing how to date one. Isn’t it worth it to book a tour with me so you can relax and just enjoy the women? Not worry if you are saying or doing the right thing?

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