Ukraine Safe Tours
I have been asked this so many times, is Ukraine Safe? With me, you will have a safe tour to Ukraine.
There are many videos on the subject, but I prefer the videos that are by foreigners. Not to say Ukraine people are dishonest, but there will be biased of course. Check out this video it is very well put together.
I was Suprised to realize most people in Ukraine do not speak English!
They do however understand English because most schools required some years of English studies. Here is what my friends tell me about Ukraine people. We are like pets when it comes to English we understand, but we can not answer back. It is nice to have an electronic translator.
I found that google translate is one of the best, it worked both offline and connected to wifi. Here is another thing everywhere you go a cafe nightclub hotels, and apartments all have free wifi.
I remember the second time I went to Ukraine after a great time I had in Donetsk I thought I would stay in Kiev this time. What a difference, a huge city, people everywhere the streets. In the city center is always crowded.It was so overwhelming for me this trip. I was in a large city and had no idea what to do where to go. I was lost in KIEV!
I thought I had Ukraine figured out, but I was wrong.
I stayed in a little studio in the center of the city very nice clean. I suggest if you go to Ukraine stay in apartment hotels are very expensive and sometimes the rules are hard. The hotels would screen your guests if you wanted to bring some friends to your room, sometimes it was not possible.The Guard will tell you I am only trying to keep you safe! From what a 100-pound 35-year-old woman!! But if you were to give the security guard and few dollars all of a sudden your friends will be safe.
So back to my trip, I went out the first day to take a walk in the city. It is easy to get lost in Kiev. The people walking in the streets are going somewhere to work or home from work, and they do not have time to talk.
It is rude to stop someone on the street in Kiev to talk with them. I wondered around for hours looking for my apartment all the roads look the same to me. I decided then to take a cab at that time taxi cabs were not cheap. It is always smart to have someone that is a native of Ukraine to write your apartment address on a card. One of my most significant expense was taxi fares.
I stayed in my general area afraid to get lost again, Kiev was a lot of work, and I was going through my money very fast. I finally settled in and relaxed for the first time. As I walked, I

Found an enormous entertainment complex called Arena City. That is where I spent most of my trip. It has nightclubs five cafes and many girls there too. I was very disappointed in myself for not researching Kiev. I did not know to go to the parks, instead of the nightclubs. I did not even know where a park was at that time. So many simple things I could have done if I only knew what I was getting myself into. I passed by this big shopping mall Gulliver Mall every day and did not even think to go in and see what was there. I finally just stop being so scared and played the stupid American. I did work, for the most part, yes I looked a little foolish, but I was meeting people. Some of the things I said that trip to girls I am a little embarrassed but at least I was not alone. I met Natalia, she was sitting in a cafe I sat at the table across from her, she was adorable.
Kiev is not a place you want to go to if you do not know the language. Most people are in a hurry and have no time to help you!
It is a big city, and you need the help of a seasoned tour guide like me. Not only will I show you the best places to eat but the most important, the best places to meet and date a girl.Some cafes are a great place to take a woman on a date one of my favorites is Mama Manana a great Georgian place. They have this bread backed with cheese that is so amazing with a glass of Georgian wine the best. Also if you want a burger a place called Litpab Krapka Koma, it is not a typical American burger but incredible taste. Kiev has some of the best restaurants, and it could take you a few trips to find the best. With my safe tour to Ukraine, you will always know where to go in Kiev.
OK back to my embarrassment in Kiev dating. I got up my nerve and walked to her and said do you speak English?

She looked up at me with these beautiful brown eyes and said, yes can I help you. I asked her what did she suggest that I order here to eat. She said I do not know this is my first time here in this cafe. Now, what do I do? Just then the waitress came up to us and said what can I get for you two. Natalia motioned for me to sit down with her and with the help of the waitress we ordered. We had some of the best Georgian food I have ever tasted and with great company. As the day went on, we talked about our lives and what we wanted in the future. Natalia wanted to be a flight attendant since she was a child she dreamed of traveling. I was so impressed with her desire and how she had it all planned out. Five hours later we decided to say good-bye. I wish her the best in her career and life we shook hands and I watched her walk away. You see I was new at this Ukraine dating and did not think to get her number. What a fool I was!
I met two other girls that trip to Kiev.

Anna was one, and there was Julia, but it was not as I thought it would be. I did not know the customs nor the way to tell if a girl liked me. I wish I had someone to show me where to go what to see. But what was most disappointing. All the girls I saw there so many beauties everywhere and had no idea what to do. I could not catch any, it was like fishing without a hook. If I just knew the simple things to do, if I were to have learned just a little Russian. My trip would have been so much better. Ukrainians like it very much when you speak or try to speak their language. I had a good time but not great time that trip. Here is why I decided to create this company for lost men like me that had a desire but no idea how to accomplish it.
In all my trips to Ukraine, I not once felt threatened well once, but it was my fault again not knowing the customs. read this story
So is Ukraine safe? Yes once you learn some of the customs. It feels to you like a peaceful beautiful place to get away from all the chaos in the world. I have traveled all through Europe and to me Ukraine is safe one of the safest places I can recommend.
If you need that guide that person that made all the foolish mistakes so you will not have to. Come with me to Ukraine.
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If you want a one on one date with a Ukraine girl, click this link below. Date Ukraine Women