Ukraine Tattoo Women
Is it OK to have a tattoo in Ukraine? The Ukraine tattoo women I have met say it depends on two things where you are and where is the tattoo!
Meaning if you are in a big city Kiev or Odessa then most do not mind if you have a tattoo. But if you live in a smaller town then you could be looked on poorly. Also, where is the tattoo on your neck or the small of your back or shoulder where most will not see it. To be honest, when I look at a girl with a tattoo I ask my friends what they think about such a person. Their reaction is almost always not very favorable. Some say she looks dirty or maybe she is a stripper! I felt very unhappy for these women; they just want to express themselves. All the Ukraine women that I met that had a tattoo had a story behind it, and most were not good stories! I found this blog post a few days ago written by

If you know me, you know that I have a few tattoos I dearly love. I am also planning on a few more and don’t really set myself up with limits as to how many. I love having art on my body – I love having pieces that are meaningful and those that are just for fun. Tattoos are the way of expression and the more grown-up you get – the fewer ways of that expression you get. For me personally – it is crucial to keep it alive.
Growing up in a small-town Ukraine tattoos were always a taboo so now when I go back, I always need to sort of prepare people for the fact that I have ink on my body. You would think ‘my body – my choice,’ but then I would know that you clearly did not grow up in a small town where your neighbors are waiting for your visit each year so that they can have something to gossip about. And trust me: I gave them plenty in the last couple of years. From becoming a flight attendant to getting yet another tattoo: I guess I am glad to be of service to our elderly.
Circling back to tattoos. First time I ever saw a lot of people who clearly did not all go to prison in order to get one (a constant misconception of the small-town folk)
was at the Wet’n’Wild in Florida and I was 16. Whether it because we had to stand in line for what felt like hours or because that was what I needed to see at that moment – I will never know. What I do know is that normal people like you and me are totally ok with getting inked. And not all of them have been to prison otherwise my host family wouldn’t have brought me to this water park. Or so I hope.

I started thinking about my first tattoo back then. I couldn’t get it in the States, ‘cause I wasn’t 18 yet and I was a bit nervous about the quality of tattoo artists back home. In college, I was already determined to get a tattoo sooner rather than later (so glad I didn’t. I thought about getting the most generic first-page-on-Google stuff I would have regretted later on). By the time I moved to Kyiv, I was already researching tattoo artists.
I don’t know why I never got one in Kyiv. One of my tattoos will be done by a Ukrainian artist, I promise. The capital of Ukraine is getting less and less prejudiced about body art by the minute, and a lot of my local friends have multiple tattoos. I am so happy to see that, ‘cause with each inked arm, leg, shoulder, or ankle people are getting more and more open to the fact that humans are all different. And different does not mean wrong.
I will probably never forget the first time I got a tattoo. It was a small thing – my wedding ring – but I was so nervous! It took what felt like 15 minutes (nothing compared to my longest one so far: an hour and 40 minutes). It was such a rush! Of course, I was getting something on my body that proclaimed my eternal love to my husband, but it was also the thrill of stepping outside those invisible lines

we sometimes put ourselves in. And, needless to say, after that I was hooked.

The typical questions Ukrainians will ask me about my tattoos are: How bad did it hurt? How long did it take?
The common questions Americans will ask me about my tattoos are: What does this one mean? Who was the artist?
One of the things that I find very ironic is how socially acceptable it is for American people to have a bunch of tattoos, but then if you want to work in a ‘professional’ environment you have to cover most of them up. I understand that I don’t speak for most of the businesses but in general: yeah… Read More
I wrote an article a few month ago, and I have received many questions on the article, from men. It is called Ukraine Tatto Girls! Most ask me is it a true story do these girls really have such terrible pasts?
I am sad to say yes they do and the tattoos help them deal with the pain. One girl, I met not so long ago in Lviv that I dated for a week, I still keep in contact with her. She has a few tattoos on her body but the one on her left and right arms where cool. One is a very happy picture of a girl all good things and the other arm is a sad girl and dark. I asked her, so the happy girl is you now? She said no that was me and then I got divorced and this is me now, pointing at the sad girl tattoo. Both tattoos were beautiful very well made high detail. But again another girl with a tragic story!
When I met her she was always smiling and seemed to be happy, we instantly had a connection. Over the days I felt something about her that was not good.

I remember one night we were having dinner at a lovely place called Katushka; she had salmon which is quite expensive in Ukraine. But the look on her face when she saw her plate, was all worth it. It was like a kid on Christmas looking under the tree. Big smile on her face and when she tasted it, I wondered if she has salmon like this before. It is always a pleasure to take Ukraine girls to a nice restaurant because they always appreciate it. During this nice dinner, we talked about her life but not so much in detail. I understood she had a very difficult past.
As it goes with the tattoo women of Ukraine they seem to paint their bodies to cover up or let go of some pain.
Maybe this is their way of letting people see the struggles they have had in life. Whatever it is the painted girls of Ukraine are some of the most amazing women I have met. I know that if a man that does not care if his woman has tattoos a girl like this will be a treasure. They have been through some bad times and are waiting for someone to love them. You can feel the need of these women to be accepted to be wanted to be cared for. I feel these women would be very loyal and trustworthy; they know how bad it can be and if they found some nice men that were kind to them it would mean the world to them.I have said in many articles I wrote Ukraine women just want to be wanted.
Would you like to meet one of these painted ladies come with me to Ukraine, and we together can find one? Personal Date Guide Ukraine.
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